Quote Originally Posted by Bad Penny View Post
Kris, as Shannon states, focus on one specific collecting goal at a time (slow and steady wins the race and all that stuff).

Having said that, sometimes you'll stumble across a great deal and get the "I Want It, I Want It Now" bug - all I'd suggest in these instances (and they will happen as surely as night follows day) is that you weigh up the costs (not always only monetary) associated with the instant gratification of acquiring a piece you 'want' as opposed to an item you 'need' (ie- one that is on your target list).

Obviously, if the deal is just too good to pass up, and the disappointment of not sticking to your plan is significantly outweighed by the ongoing pleasure of having the impulse buy in the collection - then, yeah, go for it !!!!

I only offer these thoughts on the basis of my being (definitely in the past, and even a little still so nowadays) a little too spontaneous when it came to grabbing stuff that I hadn't planned for, thus delaying the acquisition of items I really wanted to see in the collection

As to upgrading existing books (like you mentioned with your DT set) I, personally, would put this right at the bottom of the "To Do" list

Thanks for the tips BadPenny... I really do have the bug now and have to be careful... finding myself cruising Ebay and Betts, the Collector, etc for hours at a time looking for deals. I am not rich by any means... haha