The election is nearly upon us, and by "us" I mean those in the United States, and by the "election" I mean of the next President of the United States - but I think this could be a fun and thoughtful discussion for everyone, regardless of where you are or your politics. As most of you know, many countries around the world currently have or have had in their past a woman as the head of state. Wikipedia even has a nifty table: (in Ireland they had two female Presidents back to back in the 1990s). So, clearly, we are way behind, because the United States, obviously, has never had a female head of state, even going back to pre-Washington days.

So, I thought this would be a nice intellectual debate as to whom you could realistically see as the first female President of the United States. Some people are openly speculating that a woman may very well be at the top of a ticket the next time around. So, I picked eight women, four Democrats and four Republicans, that I think have been mentioned as the likeliest candidates, and put them on this poll. But this in no way limits our potential discussion, so feel free to throw out your own choices, there certainly can be others I didn't think of. This isn't so much a political (though I realize you can't keep politics out when talking about potential presidential candidates) as a general discussion about the possibility of the first female President of the United States.