It would be a ton of work, but fun to determine the "winners" (highest score) from a collecting standpoint of King's books. We would likely separate the books into several categories-probably the same as our Wiki section: SK First Editions US & UK, Collectibles, ARC/Proofs.
We'll set up polls and all you have to do is rate the books based upon the 3 or 4 criteria in the poll. The results would be tabulated and a 2012 DT.ORG Collectors Choice winner would be named.
BTW, don't hold me to it, but Shannon has a tentative template for grading. All one would have to do is check the box in four areas of grading:

A - Very unique. There is nothing else like it.
B - Unique. Some parts of the item remind me of other items.
C - Not unique. Nothing special, very similar to other items.


A - Excellent production. The finest materials were used and it is very well put together using intricate and inventive techniques.
B - Good production. Better than your average item, but doesn't hit high marks in every area.
C - Bland production. The publisher/producer did not care at all about using fine materials or intricate techniques to create this item.

Artwork (Dustjacket and Interior)

A - Beautiful artwork. Memorable and enjoyable to look at.
B - Item includes some artwork, but it is nothing special.
C - Item does not include artwork and/or the artwork is not good/memorable in any way.

Importance. How important would this item be to add to your collection?

A - Mandatory. My collection would not be considered complete until I own this item.
B - Important. I would like to own this item, but I am waiting to find a great deal before I purchase this item.
C - Not important. The only reason I would add this to my collection is because someone gives it to me.
