1. Larry Underwood navigates the Lincoln tunnel in "The Stand".
2. The cat lurching across the garden. Pet semetery.
This has always scared the crap out of me... clumps of soil in its fur, blank stare and the smell...
3. Paul Sheldon trying to get back in his room before Annie discovers he can get out of the room. (well its been 30+ years since I read it, I hope I am not just remembering a scene from the movie)
4. Mary and her husband get pulled over by the policeman Collie Entragian in "Desperation"
5. Arlette's premonition speech about their son's violent demise as well as Shannon's in 1922.
6. Father Callahan faces down the Vampire Barlow in the Petrie's kitchen and is marked in 'salem's Lot.
7. Danny Torrance almost being buried alive in the playground and then being stalked by the topiary animals (in the Shining)
8. Dussander, naked, puts a cat in the oven. (creeps me out.) Apt Pupil/ Different Seasons
9. "Burnsie" BBQ-ing and eating Tansy Freneu's foot after he killed her in "Black House". Truth be told Charles Burnside in general creeped me out!!!!
10. IT. Although there are quite a few the losing of innocence at the end is fucking horrifying.
11. Pennywise talking to George from the gutter just before he kills George.
12. "All work and no play makes, Jack a dull boy" copy scene from the "Shining"