Quote Originally Posted by neosatus View Post
I was obviously speculating about the Jae Lee remarques. Did you not see the questions I asked? I merely reported what we know and asked questions that I would like to know the answer to.
And the fact is: Grant sold those books not Jae Lee, regardless of how you try to spin it.

Though we don't know where they came from, the main point is that we know they EXIST. And my argument is that PC copies should not go to getting remarques done for sale. They should primarily be for damaged books that are already presold for customers. People having to receive damaged books is ridiculous. Quality was the thing Grant supporters were always boasting about...
I did see your question and matched your speculation with my own to demonstrate the point that it doesn't help your argument to King's people. There's not enough information for any of us to do anything but guess. Do you think his people really want to entertain publisher conspiracy theories?

I totally understand your frustration and would be pissed in your situation as well, but I think your letter could be a lot stronger. That's the only reason I took the time to respond in the first place.

Grant obviously screwed up and should have done a much much better job dealing with your issue. Send a physical copy of your letter to Robert as well when you send it to King's office.

Good luck.