Quote Originally Posted by R_of_G View Post
I'm still not sure I see Joba as a top caliber starter. I know it's where he wants to be and where the front office wants him to be, but I think it's high time to start thinking seriously about the post Rivera era in the bullpen. With Joba's fastball, he could be the second coming of Rich Gossage. Rivera may very well go down in history as the greatest closer ever (he's certainly the best I've ever seen) but how much longer can he really do it? It's a position they will need to address in the next season or two, so sooner would be better than later.

I have to agree. I had a similar conversation with my Son concerning Joba. I LOVED him in that set-up role and saw him (as you do) as a potential replacement for Mo. Why break what isn't broken? But the front office as you said made the decision so we'll have to live with it. Hopefully, he will emerge as an Ace. He's got the stuff remains to see if he has the stamina and mental toughness.

I think they have a second ace starter after CC with Burnett. Those two had better be good for at least 15 wins apiece if the Yanks have any chance of doing anything this season. I'm also hoping to see Chien-Ming Wang bounce back from his injury and have a strong season. With Pettite as the fourth, that's a pretty good starting rotation right there and doesn't put pressure on Joba to turn into an ace starter. Then again, maybe he's just naturally gifted and he'll surprise me. It'd be a pleasant surprise as it would be great for the Yankees.

I like Burnett too just his propensity for injury worries me (I still haven't got over Fucking Pavano lol). I think Wang will be fine. He's got that stuff that gets better when he's tired throwing all those ground ball outs. Petitte I thought was a key in that he's a proven yankee winner in both the season and post and his experience should help the entire staff. They are just gonna have to limit his innings early on in deference to his age to avoid what happened last year. Girardi should have a good handle on that this year though.