Quote Originally Posted by JeremyM View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Merlin1958 View Post
You know, I feel like I should own at least one, Lovecraft 1st edition or limited. I mean he is an iconic author and considered a "Master of Horror", but in truth I never really cared for his work. To be honest, I only read one or two of his books. Maybe I need to give him another shot. Any suggestions? I,m pretty sure I read, "In the Mouth of Madness" or something like that. FWIW, generally speaking I found him a little too "out there" so maybe something a little more grounded? I'm open to another attempt.
Well, a lot of Lovecraft's work (at least his more popular stories) is concerned with cosmic, existential horror. I'm thinking you read 'At the Mountains of Madness' - if I recall 'In the Mouth of Madness' was the title of a Lovecraft inspired John Carpenter flick. Personally I think 'Shadow Over Innsmouth' is as good as place to start as any for something a little more grounded - though still plenty bizarre and horrifying. The HP Lovecraft literary podcast is also a great resource for getting some historical and literary perspective on Lovecraft's work.
Thanks a bunch, my friend. Would you have the link to that podcast?