Thank you Simon for the post here and the earlier one on the Suntup thread, The Lottery lettered and limited.

The copy of ‘Smith of Wootton Major’ appeared on eBay not so long ago. Not a first edition, however a delightful signature and dedication to
Nurse Anne M. Villeneuve. I managed to contact the lady, obtained her phone number and started a discussion on a possible price of her book. The provenance and her memories of Tolkien were marvellous. It transpired that she was selling the book and using the proceeds to have part of her roof repaired. It became apparent that the cost of the roof repair was the determining factor of the price of the book. Needless to say her roof is now in excellent condition and her book and the provenance she supplied will remain with me, along with some wonderful memories.
One of the more interesting and poignant transactions I have had the pleasure to be involved in!!