Quote Originally Posted by ur2ndbiggestfan View Post
Thanks Frank.

And now, JUST when you thought it was safe to enter the library again, Hodder & Stoughton terrifies you with yet ANOTHER edition of THE OUTSIDER (the one in the middle), the only edition with the scary (shiver!) entity on the page edges:

EDIT - Except the proof, of course. I knew that though, really! Why doesn't anyone believe me!

Great group!!

Do you mind sharing the ISBN of the Hodder & Stoughton in the middle?

I've been looking for the proof with the silhouette on the page edge since someone first posted it here but haven't been able to find a copy. I only know about it because of this site and have never seen it available anywhere... I know it's numbered and limited to I think 300(?) copies. If I'm not going to be able to find the proof I'd like to have the Hodder & Stoughton version at least!