Quote Originally Posted by Girlystevedave View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Girlystevedave View Post
Also, I can't think of any new music I'm that into - most of what I listen to are bands/musicians that I've been listening to for a while.
Step #1 of getting old.
Yeah, but I've been this way for a while, so I can't blame it on getting old.
I know what ya' mean, lady.

When I was about 18 I cut out Pop music all together despite girlfriends and such. At age 21 or so I even cut out out most new heavy metal save any new Maiden, Dio, Metallica and Queensryche products. I even ignored Slayer, Testament and Megadeth.

I always assumed this because my son was born when I was 22 and I had settled down, but I did not. I was still wild in my actions.

Between the ages of 22 and 30 I ran more miles from Federal agents in my life than ever. I snorted far more miles of coke. And I set off a lot of Hoosier A-bombs.
But in the end I find myself with Iron Maiden, Armored Saint, Dio but yet the likes of Little River Band and Rod Stuart and Toto.