Okay folks, our second Haven Fund contest is to determine the Best/Worst looking member (male) and the ugliest mug on the boards. To enter, you must PM a current photo of yourself in any pose or facial expression you like, to Jerome (Randall Flagg). Do not post your picture in this thread to enter. Only pics PMed to, Jerome will count. The submission period begins this Friday 1/9/15 @ 12:01 am and will continue through next Friday, 12:00 pm. After the submission period this thread will have a poll added to it listing all the entrants and their respective photograph. Members will then be encouraged to vote for their desired entrants. As the "Don" I will be excluded from this contest especially since my devilish good looks and pervasive charm would be an unfair advantage and not allow for other competitors to get a fair chance.

At the end of the voting period, the member with the most votes for "Best Looking" will receive 2 entries into the Grand Prize Drawing. The loser, or ugliest Motherf**ker on the boards will receive 4 entries into the Grand prize Drawing because, let's face it he'll need something to look forward to!!!

Entry fee is $10 donated to the HF through the PP widget. We'll need a minimum of five entrants to conduct the contest. Hold your entry fee until the poll is added to this thread.

* NOTE: The photo must have a clear image of the person's face (It can be a full body shot, but the face must be clear). No digital manipulation is allowed. Pics can not be X-rated. PG-13 suggested, R allowed.

Have at it folks and have a good time!!!!


Clearly, my grandson is the best looking member here!!! LOL LOL LOL