Star Trek II: Not my favourite Trek film, it's number three behind First Contact and my favourite Voyage Home, but it's still very solid. The ear wig scene is tough to forget lol

Pitch Black: This film kicks ass. I'm a sucker for monster movies and with the western feel it has it just completes it. Wicked monsters, Awesome premise. Competently acted enough to make me think Vin Diesel was the shit until I found he was just mediocore. David Twohy (Basic Instinct, The Arrival, Perfect Getaway) is one of the best genre filmmakers out there.

Moon: Wanted to see this so bad in theatres but I had to go all the way to Northern Toronto to see is so NOPE. It's always the films I want to see more than the rest that end up playing nowhere near me. Rockwell is one of my favourite actors and this is a movie that shows why. He's just so damn gifted and he demands your attention because there's no wasted motions in his performances. Very thoughtful sci-fi which is my favourite sci-fi.

Star Wars IV: I won't be voting for this one in the later rounds but it's still a classic which is more of a comedy than it's brooding, superior sequel. Will never get tired of listening to Treepio and Artoo yelling at each other, "he tricked me into going this way!" and, my favourite dialogue from the film:

"My friend, he doesn't like you."
"I'm sorry."
"I don't like you either. You should be careful. We're wanted men. I've got the death sentence of twelve systems."
"I'll be careful."