1. When you get to the end of "The dark tower", you find out about the red king. He's apparently stuck on some balcony of the dark tower, unable to ascend and get to the top. Why was he stuck?

2. What exactly was the Crimson King? Supposedly a were-spider, but he was only in human form at the end. Where exactly did he come from and how did he get to be the king? Its all very vague. And why would the people have served a spider man? Seems like they would have killed him.

3. Why didn't Mordrid use his awesome psychic powers to kill Roland or the rest? Seemingly, he only used them to kill the man in black. There were a couple of other things he killed, but it didn't seem that he used this ability to do so.

4. Why is Roland just starting the quest over again? What purpose could that possibly serve? Now he has the horn, but that gives no indication of how many times he has completed the quest previously. I'm not really asking about the quality of the ending, just why. Also it makes no indication that he's somehow regained his missing fingers, or regressed in age back to when he started the quest. It seems to me like he could only do it once, perhaps twice more before he simply died due to age combined with the punishment that the quest gives him. That is unless, every time he enters the door, he's completely healed and de-aged. But none of that was said.