I'm looking for some feedback or recommendations on what case to do for Doctor Sleep (if any.). I've gotten permission from Vinnie Chong to use a piece of his art for a cover engraving - 'Rose the Hat'. I also have permission from Erin Wells to use her scene of the Overlook Hotel (the one we used for the cover engraving on the Lettered cases for "The Shining"). I have several different options I've been throwing around.

I'm considering doing a wooden double slipcase that is sized for both the trade edition of Doctor Sleep and for the first edition of the Shining. If I did that I'd put both of the engravings on the lid/side of the case -- sort of a split screen effect. My hesitation on doing that is that I've already done a case for the 1/1 Shining & don't know how much interest there would be in another one (even though it also housed Dr Sleep). I haven't researched it enough to say for sure, but I think that all of the new editions of Shining that are coming out also include their own slipcases - other wise, I'd try to wait & include one of them into a double slipcase (with the same split screen art) instead of a 1/1. Seems like since Doctor Sleep is a sequel to Shining, there should be something we could do to house both books side by side......

Another option is a Dr. Sleep only case (either a slipcase or a traycase) with Vinny's art engraved. I'd think that there are enough signed copies to warrant at least some interest for them.

I'd welcome any comments/recommendations/requests or if you have other ideas.