So in reading DT VII last night, I got to wondering about something. When Irene takes Roland to the Tet Corporation office building, and Roland meets Moses Carver, it is understood that Odetta went "missing" years ago, and that she is now with Roland, et al. John Cullum of course was the one who convinced Moses Carver that the whole thing was legit, and that his god daughter truly was part of this.

However, Odetta/Detta/Suze wasnt from Keystone Earth (nor was Eddie or Jake). Either was Moses Carver. But Roland meets the Keystone version of Moses, who of course would have been the god father of Keystone Odetta, he still has a missing god daughter named Odetta. So hows this possible? What happened to the Keystone Odetta? She isnt with Roland.....

.... I have a feeling someone is going to post "keep reading" tho......