I hope some of you can help me. I ordered two of the CD grab bags a couple of weeks ago, received the prints and just wondering what they are showing or which art-books they belong to. Probably someone knows something more and can help me? Also i wonder if the signatures i have are facsimiles or true?

I am not sure, but i think this is part of Sectretary of Dreams! Its a chadbourne of course showing Stephen King with all his "bad boys"

No ideas. At the bottom link it shows 2/45 and on the right bootom the date 16.06.2011 T. soandso?

Derry and Pennywise unsigned but out of which book/art. I think it is out of the artprints belonging to the IT-Cemetary Dance-25_years-edition?!

I have no idea!

I have no idea!

Mmh, belongs to a art series the monkey...but what does this belong to?

If you could help me it wohld be wonderful! Thanks a lot!