Wow this year is flying by. It seems like yesterday that I made the above post and it has been almost three weeks.

I reactivated the league for the 2021 season and I sent an email asking everyone to confirm that they will be participating again this year.

I have set the keeper due date for July 19th. Please select your 25 keepers before that date. Remember to consider position limits and who you would like to draft before doing so.

We will have our slow draft starting August 1st.

With the NFL adding a week to their schedule that means our season will be one week longer as well. I see that this change has really messed with the league's schedule. Please ignore the schedule for now as I will rework it when I get the chance later this summer.

Also, we need to decide if we want to go back to one IR spot or if we want to leave it at two. Now would also be the time to talk about any other potential rule changes that you would like to discuss.