To make my point clearer, I'll begin with subject other than King.

Watching Back To The Future 3 for the umpteenth time, I marveled again at how important and extraordinary and touching the love story was; Doc Brown and Clara flying away on that hoverboard is one of the best graphic symbols of love triumphant I've ever seen. As everyone remembers, the trilogy is not at all about love; Doc and Clara come as additional attraction, but make a perfect romance inside a series whose main emphasis is placed elsewhere; the very way it differs so greatly from all bona fide romances in movies "about love" makes it unforgettable. There are other examples of the same in movies or literature; I think everyone can think of many.

I believe King is a genius of this side-effect romance. The love stories in novels that by themselves have little to do with love - The Stand (Fran and Stuart), It (Ben and Beverly), or The Dark Tower (Eddie and Susannah); or, on a smaller scale, many other similar loves in almost every novel, - all are, to my mind, love-story masterpieces; quite unlike the only time he was actually endeavoring to write a "love story" (the Mejis part of W&G) and came up with a bundle of common places. This last statement of mine is, of course, highly questionable, and I pray if it has to be discussed, let's do it in W&G forum of Mid-World section; here, please, let's concentrate of those love stories by King that make ostensibly secondary part of his novels.