So, things have really been looking up for me since having the opportunity to contribute to In Mint Condition! My dabbling on here and the excitement of friends and family have stirred up some interest in my talents. I couldn't be more surprised!!

I never expected to be contacted for professional work, but I find myself in an interesting position. I have received a number of requests to illustrate and edit works. (So many that I will need to be selective and begin politely turning down requests.) I have yet to commit to any projects, because a) I'm not sure what my schedule will be like after baby arrives shortly b) I've never before tackled such work professionally and c) I have no idea how to negotiate the agreements.

How much do "new" editors and illustrators charge? I've had a wide range of offers (% of profit, flat rate, rate by time, rate by number of illustrations, etc.) and some have simply said, "please provide an estimated fee"... While I'm tempted to simply jump at the highest bidder, I am attempting to select the projects by merit and would like to be sure I am not underselling myself nor requesting more than my worth.

This is completely unexpected and I am truly humbled by the interest. I cannot believe that in a matter of a few weeks I have found myself in such a promising position. Any advice is much appreciated!