Hm, let's try.


King: Stephen King
=> He is the key of all thing, yet he is seems clumsy and weak. Without him the game is lost, but do not count on him when the battle comes! Surely he will cost you a lot to protect...

Queen: Roland
=> The most deadly man on he battlefield, he can take down any target at any range. He's the dinh of the chessboard.

Bishop: Father Callahan
=> He's a priest, alright, but also someone really carefull who knows how to dodge the danger, find the secret ways and walk in the shade, he'll never use the straight path.

Knight: Susannah on trike.
=> Three powerfull wheels for a fast and lethal gunslinger. She'll easily flank her enemies and won't hesitate to pierce through their lines.

Tower: Eddie
=> Straightforward and reckless, he'll keep running and fighting until death takes him.

Pawns: Jake
=> Go on then, there are other worlds than this, there are other Jakes than this. He dies a lot but never for good, unless you stand in the keystone world. If he reaches far enough, he will reunite you with the ones who are already gone.


King: Crimson King
=> Last obstacle standing before victory, is this huge symbol, this legendary creature, only a humbug in the end?

Queen: Mordred
=> If you don't get him, he'll get you. Wherever you are whatever you do, no place will keep you safe as Mordred's a-hungry.

Bishop: Walter
=> The man with a thousand faces who travels between the world knows how to surprise you. He spurts out of nowhere, sneaks between you lines and always strikes from the side.

Knight: Wolves of the Calla
=> From the darkness they ride, with sole goal to loot and burn everything on their way. Grey masks on grey horses, don't count on the pawns of the Calla to stop them.

Tower: Blaine
=> The relentless pink bullet runs straight along it's tracks, and no destination is far enough for its mad pace. Do not stand in its way, or wose, in its cabin, unless you're the white tower of course...

Pawns: Sneetches
=> Cold pellets coming in swarms, closer and closer, until they blast their targets. You're doomed if one passes by you lines.