For many people, including myself, the series has had a significant impact on their lives. The Dark Tower is means more to me than just being a good book series.

Several years ago when I first read the series, I had just ended a 3 year long verbally and emotionally abusive relationship. I was down and depressed, doing badly in school and just had pretty much just gone off track with my life. As I progressed in the series and read more, I began to draw strength from the characters in the ka-tet. Roland's determination, Susannah's confidence, and Eddie's humor helped motivate me to get my life back on track.

Also right around the time I first started reading the series, I decided to research it online. I found a couple messageboards and joined them. I had never even heard of a messageboard before, but I quickly became immersed with reading and posting about the series. Joining these messageboards (and now joining!) helped me come out of my shell and helped my suffering social skills. I also met many wonderful people (and still continue to!) that are still very near and dear to my heart.

So you can see how the books have had such a profound effect on my life.

What about you guys? How has the series affected your life? Has it at all?