Quote Originally Posted by tippy4 View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Still Servant View Post
I thought of another great defense system they could use.

One word: moat.

It worked for thousands of years, I see no reason why it can't come in handy here. Walkers have shown that they aren't that great in the water. A moat would also be a difficult obstacle for humans as well.

Yes, it's a lot of work, but a man-made moat could be done with enough man power. The hardest part would be finding a water source.

If this is truly going to be home, I would stop at nothing to make sure it's as secure as possible.
They used pits in the Governor's second base (where he lived with Tara and her sister).....similar to a moat.

I get the impression based on comments made in the show that they were able to build the wall because, at the time, there were almost no wallkers around.....but that has changed....so building a moat now mighr be difficult.
I forgot about the pits. Those were useful. Well, one idea is that they could build the moat on the inside of Alexandria. Then remove the wall and put it back up on the other side of the moat. The wall really needs to be replaced. It's too easy to be climb and the supports are on the wrong side. This makes it not as stable and easier to climb as well.

They have the equipment and the man power to do this. I think about this stuff more than I should throughout the day