Giveaway #7
UK Duma Key
First Edition

**thanks to Ari for donating this book**

The story begins shortly after a Minneapolis construction company owner named Edgar Freemantle barely survives a horrific on-site accident where his truck was struck and crushed by a crane. Though he survives, Freemantle's right arm is amputated, and severe injuries to his head cause Edgar to have problems with speech, vision, and memory. Because of the excruciating pain resulting from the accident and the subsequent recovery, Edgar also has violent mood swings and thoughts of suicide. After Edgar attacks his wife Pam twice – one time stabbing her with a plastic knife, the other strangling her – she files for divorce while he is still in recovery from his injuries.


This book will be given away in a drawing for anyone who donated a book, money or won an auction between 4/1/10 and 4/15/10

If you were a member of the site on or before 12/31/09 you have a giveaway entry that could be used (if you haven't used it already).