I remember reading someone mentionning a few weeks ago that they were looking for the final episod of "Stephen King's Golden Years"

The recent DVD boxset "Stephen King TV & Movie collection" by Paramount did include the tv miniseries but it only last about 3h56 : https://www.amazon.com/Stephen-King-...dp/B07BQN12ZQ/
Same here : https://www.amazon.com/Stephen-Kings...dp/B00BW4S89S/
Or here, from 2001 : https://www.amazon.com/Stephen-Kings...dp/B00005LQ0Q/

An old DVD had the same duration, and but we do have 1 version that seems complete as it last about 6h10. However this one do only have french audio.

Does anyone has an english audio version of GOLDEN YEARS that is longer than 3h56?

Based on DVD or VHS it doesnt seem to be the case