I thought that until I watched it a few more times. When you think Wall-E was written and already under production before social media really became something, it's scarily prophetic. It shows humans who are alive and not living, so that they don't know a world beyond what their screens tell them and even the touch of another human is an alien thing because all their interactions are impersonal, filtered through machines. The humans don't even have jobs anymore, except for the captain who isn't even really steering the wheel (love the nefarious ship wheel robot lol). They are fat, lazy, entitled with their every whim satiated almost before they even think it, such as the robot ready with a drink the moment a human wants one. It's a pretty harsh yet accurate statement of modern day 1st world life and where it might go. That's why I love Wall-E because it's future, Buy N' Large, almost seems inevitable lol