Man, that was a tough season of TV to watch. Not UTD-level bad, but not good.

Problems? Let's see; how much time do I have?

When Jay...

...just pops up in the mist to save Alex, that was super cheesy. And when the mist then took him (ooh! a sacrifice! boy, the accusers were wrong about him!), that took the cheese factor to the next level.

The revelation that...

Adrian raped Alex and had issues

...could have been interesting had it been part of an otherwise decent season, but it was too little, too late.

Speaking of revelations, when we learned that...

...someone was sending people there to feed it, that could've worked in another context, but here it just feels like a tacked on bit to try to suck us in for season 2, and also - how did the powers that be (whoever sent the train) have time to reach the conclusion that they couldn't fight whatever lived in the mist and then set up the logistics behind a feeding system? Unless Arrowhead was planning this all along, but then they spent none of the available time on exploring that, so screw the viewers, right?

I initially was glad that so many characters

...died near the end, because it cleared the decks of a number of dumb subplots, but then I realized that this was a convenient way to avoid having to resolve those subplots through effective writing and reset for a second season.

Quote Originally Posted by Ricky View Post
...the great treasure trove of source material they seem to be completely ignoring.
...this is what's so tragic about it.