I am embarking on the ambitious but (for me at least) intensely pleasurable journey of re-reading all of King's (fictional) books (and short stories, novellas, etc.)

Wondering if there is an interest in a Re-Reading club? (If this has been done in another thread, cry your pardon, but I could not find it and I DID look).

I was thinking of going in order of publication (chiefly because that is how my list is organized) but wondering if any of you CR have suggestions for alternative reading order lists?

Toyed with the idea of the suggested order of books in the DT thread with the incorporated bits from Hearts in Atlantis, Insomnia, Little Sisters of Euluria, and Eyes of the Dragon, but in the end I think I will go chronologically with the novels, then if I have the stamina, tackle the nonfiction, then the published journal articles.

Comments? Suggestions? Dares? Heckling?

Anyone else for a re-read of all the books? Clearly if you are a bookgeek like me you should have the time to devote.