Stephen King Aftermarket Slipcases/Traycases:Wanted: Slipcases

This is an old revision of this page, as edited 11-02-2021, 03:05 PM by Spaceman Spiff (contribs). It may differ significantly from the current revision.
(Moderators, I hope I'm posting this in the right place). Hi, all. I'm looking for modestly-priced slipcases which might fit the books shown. Of course, not with any kind of artwork or anything, just blank slipcases. (These books are signed by SK and I'd like to protect them). The book on the left is a hardcover (from the U.K.) and the other three are paperbacks. Just wondering if there might be any blank slipcases out there which might coincidentally fit these books. Thanks in advance for any assistance!

(Tried to include an image here, but it doesn't seem to work?)

Stephen King books that need slipcases (low rez) by John C., on Flickr

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