House Next Door, The - S/L Betts

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Title: The House Next Door
Author: Anne River Siddons
Publisher: Bett’s Bookstore
ISBN: ISBN: 0-937036-04-8
Year: 1995
State: S/L 1/225 Issue Price $44.95
Comments: Twelve PC’s and 225 numbered signed by King.
Trade paperback, a limited edition of 225 numbered copies, signed by SK. Issue price: $44.95.. (Note: Because these were bound using the original sheets, the limitation sheet states that "450" comprise the limited edition. but in fact the Betts Bookstore edition was 225 copies; the remainder of the run had been previously bound by Olde New York Press.)
Notes: This book has two curiosities about it: first, King’s introduction is less than one page of text: a few paragraphs - more of a note than an introduction proper. Despite the brevity of his contribution, King elected to sign the limitation sheets.
Because of the high binding costs, the press did not bind the entire first printing in hardback; instead, they bound what they felt they could sell. In time, however, the publisher realized that his unbound copies should be sold to recoup costs and decided to sell the remaining inventory to Betts Bookstore, which issued a limited edition in trade paperback.
The total number of copies in print: 450 copies. of which 1-125 were in hardback from the original publisher, and the remainder were in trade paperback from Betts Bookstore.
From the original solicitation: "The book is bound in Rust Holliston Linen Finish woven cloth and hand painting morocco paper boards, enclosed in a cloth box. The edition is limited to 450 numbered copies of which 26 are lettered A-Z and bound in calf. $150 cloth/$250 calf."
Images courtesy of Tippy4





[XFLOAT=left; max-width:300px][/XFLOAT][TR][TD]Title:[/TD][TD] The House Next Door[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]Author:[/TD][TD] Anne River Siddons[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]Artist:[/TD][TD] ?[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]Publisher:[/TD][TD] Betts Bookstore[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]ISBN:[/TD][TD] 0-937036-04-8[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]Publication Year:[/TD][TD] 1995[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]State:[/TD][TD] S/L 1/325 [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]Issue Price:[/TD][TD] $44.95[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]Comments:[/TD][TD]A limited edition in trade paperback of 325 numbered copies, signed by SK.[/TD][/TR][/TABLE][/SIZE][/B]




Olde New York Press previously published The House Next Door S/L. Because of the high binding costs, the press did not bind the entire first printing in hardback; instead, they bound what they felt they could sell. In time, however, the publisher realized that his unbound copies should be sold to recoup costs and decided to sell the remaining inventory to Betts Bookstore, which issued a limited edition in trade paperback. Because these were bound using the original sheets, the limitation sheet states that "450" comprise the limited edition, but in fact the Betts Bookstore edition was 325 copies. The total number of copies in print: 450 copies, of which 1-125 were in hardback from the original publisher, and the remainder were in trade paperback from Betts Bookstore.

King’s introduction is less than one page of text, a few paragraphs - more of a note than an introduction proper. Despite the brevity of his contribution, King elected to sign the limitation sheets.


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