11/22/63 - S/L

This is an old revision of this page, as edited 08-18-2015, 02:10 AM by stroppygoblin (contribs). It may differ significantly from the current revision.

Title: 11/22/63 Signed Limited
Author: Stephen King
Artist: Jacket design by Rex Bonomelli, Book design by Erich Hobbing
Publisher: Scribner
ISBN: 13: 978-1-4516-2728-3
Year: November 8, 2011
State: Signed Limited 1/850 (1,000 actually signed by King with 850 for public sale) Issue Price $150.00
Comments: 849 pages. Printed boards with a "torn" dustjacket. Includes a bonus DVD. Copyright page states correct ISBN and has full numberline: 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2

On 11/08/11, Simon and Schuster opened up their website at 9:00 am EST to take orders (U.S. orders only) for the signed limited edition of 11/22/63. Unfortunately, heavy traffic made it nearly impossible to get an order placed. After nearly three hours of receiving complaints from frustrated customers, S&S shut down the site, claiming they would reopen it on 11/10/11, and that any orders that had actually gone through would be honored. However, the next day, S&S posted that instead of taking orders for the book on 11/10/11, they would be taking lottery submissions for the chance to buy the book. The lottery would be open for 30 hours, and the winners would be notified by 11/15/11. Simon and Schuster's inability to manage their website properly, coupled with a last minute process change became a great source of frustration for collectors. Many questioned the professionalism of the publisher, recalling the 2004 fiasco involving The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon limited edition.

Front (Left) and rear (center) of book with dustjacket removed

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