Towerpedia:Cordelia Delgado

Cordelia Delgado is a fictional character in author Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series. Spinster aunt of Susan Delgado, Cordelia sells her niece’s maidenhead to Hart Thorin, the Mayor of Hambry.

Taken in by her brother Pat Delgado when she had nowhere else to go, Cordelia helped to raise Susan into adolescence. Had Pat not taken her in, Cordelia likely would have ended up in the Quarters, where the Barony’s prostitutes normally congregated.

After the death of Pat, Cordelia worried she would lose the land on which she and Susan lived. To save her home, Cordelia makes a deal with Mayor Thorin for her niece. Thorin wants a male heir, and he is willing to pay handsomely for it. Cordelia, a normally prudish woman, strangely has no problem selling her niece off in this manner.

An accomplished seamstress, Cordelia spends her evenings in a rocking chair by the fireplace edging lace. Often voicing disapproval of Susan, Cordelia has a sharp tongue and a short temper.

When Cordelia learns Susan has given her virginity to Roland, she loses her mind and joins Rhea of the Cöos in insisting Susan must die for her sins. After Susan is killed on the Charyou Tree Reap fire, Cordelia has a stroke and dies herself.

Original artwork by Jae Lee and Richard Isanove



Flamini, Anthony. The Dark Tower: Gunslinger's Guidebook. Marvel Publishing, Inc., 2007.

Furth, Robin. Stephen King’s The Dark Tower: The Complete Concordance. Scribner, 2006. ISBN 0743297342

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