Towerpedia:Horsemen's Association

The Horsemen’s Association is a fictional group in author Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series. Formed to further it’s members’ common interests, the Horsemen’s Association eventually aligns itself with John Farson’s plan to overthrow the Affiliation.

The Horsemen’s Association is made up of Hambry’s wealthiest and most important ranchers, stockliners, and livestock owners. Fran Lengyll is its president, and other members include John Croyden, Hash Renfrew, Laslo Rimer, Henry Wertner, and Jake White.

It was Laslo Rimer, brother of Kimba Rimer, the Chancellor of Hambry, who first inducted the members of the Horsemen’s Association into John Farson’s service. In order to perpetrate the illusion that the Assocation still served the Affiliation, no member dealt directly with any of Farson’s men. George Latigo, one of Farson’s Chief Lieutenants, gave instructions to Kimba Rimer, which were then passed on to the Horsemen’s Association.

The Horsemen’s Association later becomes involved with the capture of Roland Deschain and his ka-tet, arresting them for the murders of Hart Thorin and Kimba Rimer. Roland and friends eventually foil the plans of John Farson, killing many members of the Horsemen’s Association when they trapped them in Eyebolt Canyon.



Flamini, Anthony. The Dark Tower: Gunslinger's Guidebook. Marvel Publishing, Inc., 2007.

Furth, Robin. Stephen King’s The Dark Tower: The Complete Concordance. Scribner, 2006. ISBN 0743297342

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