Towerpedia:Steven Deschain

Steven Deschain is a fictional character in author Stephen King's The Dark Tower series. Steven, also know as Roland the Elder, is Roland Deschain's father and ruler of the Affiliation.

Steven is called the last Lord of Light, due to the fact that he is the last ruler before the fall of Gilead. Steven is twenty-ninth on a sideline of descent from Arthur Eld, who was the King of All-World. Before Roland passed his test at fourteen, Steven had been the youngest ever to best Cort in battle age the age of sixteen.

Steven Deschain is characterized by his slim build and handlebar mustache. He carried the true gunslinger's weapons, six-shooters with sandalwood grips, until passing them on to his son after Roland proved himself in Hambry.

Steven was betrayed by Marten, his wizard, who cuckholded him by taking his wife, Gabrielle, as his lover. Steven had known of this affair for two years before his son took his test of manhood, but did nothing to stop it.

Steven narrowly missed being killed by his wife's own hand, thanks to Roland, who told him of the plan, but he was murdered at a young age.

Original artwork by Jae Lee and Richard Isanove



Furth, Robin. Stephen King’s The Dark Tower: The Complete Concordance. Scribner, 2006. ISBN 0743297342

King, Stephen. The Gunslinger (The Dark Tower, Book I, Revised). Viking Adult, 2003. ISBN 0670032549

King, Stephen. The Drawing of the Three (The Dark Tower, Book II). Viking Adult, 2003. ISBN 0670032557

King, Stephen. The Waste Lands (The Dark Tower, Book III). Viking Adult, 2003. ISBN 0670032565

King, Stephen. Wizard and Glass (The Dark Tower, Book IV). Viking Adult, 2003. ISBN 0670032573

King, Stephen. Wolves of the Calla (The Dark Tower, Book V). Donald M. Grant/Scribner, 2003. ISBN 1880418568

King, Stephen. Song of Susannah (The Dark Tower, Book VI). Donald M. Grant/Scribner, 2004. ISBN 1880418592

King, Stephen. The Dark Tower (The Dark Tower, Book VII). Donald M. Grant/Scribner, 2004. ISBN 1880418622

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