Towerpedia:Cortland Andrus

Cortland Andrus is a fictional character in author Stephen King's The Dark Tower series. Following in his father Fardo's footsteps, Cort was the teacher/trainer of generations of Gunslingers.

Described as a scarred, bald squat man - blind in one eye (likely from an ancient battle) with bowlegs and a bulging belly of muscle, Cort was 5'9' tall and weighed 260 lbs. Cort was a master in nearly all forms of known combat and was proficient in the use of most any weapon, personally preferring his heavy ironwood fighting stick - sharpened at one end and spatulate at the other.

A frequent carouser of the brothels of Gilead's lower town, he still maintained a philosophical side.

Cort's affectionate term for his apprentices was "maggots".

As Gilead's finest riddler, Cort prided himself on taking home the prize goose each year.

Savagely intolerant of cheaters, Cort once stabbed a wandering singer and acrobat who had stolen the riddle answers.

Two weeks after Roland's ka-tel loaded their guns for the first time, Cort was dead. Roland believed his teacher to have been poisoned.

Original artwork by Jae Lee and Richard Isanove



Flamini, Anthony. The Dark Tower: Gunslinger's Guidebook. Marvel Publishing, Inc., 2007.

Furth, Robin. Stephen King’s The Dark Tower: The Complete Concordance. Scribner, 2006. ISBN 0743297342

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