Towerpedia:Susan Delgado

Susan Delgado is a fictional character in author Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series. True love of Roland Deschain, Susan meets a dark fate in the town of Hambry on Reap Night.

Only child of Pat Delgado, stockliner for the Barony’s horses, Susan is an accomplished rider. After losing her mother at a young age, Susan spent a great deal of her childhood tagging along after her father, and became somewhat of a tomboy.

Following her father’s death, Susan’s Aunt Cordelia talks her into becoming Mayor Thorin’s gilly, telling the girl that if she doesn’t they may be thrown off their land, since without Pat they have no claim to it. Susan agrees under the impression Mayor Thorin is only looking for a male heir, only later discovering it’s more the journey than the destination he craves. Susan’s deep sense of loyalty and honesty forces her to keep her promise to her Aunt and the Mayor, constantly reminded by Cordelia that her father was a man of his word, and would think little of her breaking a promise.

After Susan’s unpleasant meeting with Rhea of the Cöos, who was tasked to prove her virginity, or “honesty”, Susan meets a stranger on the road back to town. Introducing himself as Will Dearborn, Roland Deschain meets his true love for the first time. The two quickly become lovers, and Susan eventually becomes pregnant with his child.

When Roland and his mates are framed for the murders of Hart Thorin and Kimba Rimer, Susan is the one who rescues them from jail, shooting and killing Sheriff Avery and his deputy Dave Hollis in the process.

Roland and his mates go to fight John Farson’s men. Roland tells Susan to hide with Sheemie in the hut in the Bad Grass and wait for his return, or, if he does not return, to take his guns to his father and tell him what happened.

While waiting for Roland’s return, Susan is discovered by the Big Coffin Hunters and is returned to town by Clay Reynolds.

Held prisoner in the Mayor’s house, Susan is aided in her escape by Olive Thorin, the Mayor’s widow. Recaptured in her final attempt at escape, Susan is carted through the town and burned at the stake in a Charyou Tree fire on Reap Night. Susan’s last words are her profession for her love of Roland.



Flamini, Anthony. The Dark Tower: Gunslinger's Guidebook. Marvel Publishing, Inc., 2007.

Furth, Robin. Stephen King’s The Dark Tower: The Complete Concordance. Scribner, 2006. ISBN 0743297342

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