Towerpedia:Eldred Jonas

Eldred Jonas is a fictional character in author Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series. A failed gunslinger, Jonas was sent west by Cort’s father, Fardo.

Born in New Caanan, Jonas was the son of a poor yeoman who served the Andrus family. His potential as a gunslinger was discovered by Fardo, who took him in and trained him.

Jonas was injured by a piece of the Laughing Mirror, stepping on it and piercing his heel. After recovering from the injury, Jonas was never the same. The piece of the Laughing Mirror caused him to deny the way of the White and ally himself with the Outer Dark.

Eventually, Jonas was confronted by Fardo, who admonished him for sneaking out to the Lower Town to brawl and troll the brothels. Angered by this, Jonas challenged Fardo to his test of manhood. Jonas lost the test and was sent west, but not before Fardo did permanent damage to his leg, resulting in a permanent limp.

Jonas became a gun for hire, eventually teaming up with Clay Reynolds and Roy Depape to form the Big Coffin Hunters. In Hambry, the three posed as Mayor Thorin’s security staff while helping [[John Farson]]’s cause.

Jonas was killed by Roland Deschain, who shot him in the head after ambushing him in the Bad Grass.

Original artwork by Jae Lee and Richard Isanove



Flamini, Anthony. The Dark Tower: Gunslinger's Guidebook. Marvel Publishing, Inc., 2007.

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