Towerpedia:Herk Avery

Herk Avery is a fictional character in author Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series. High Sheriff of Mejis and Constable of Hambry, Avery is secretly aiding John Farson and his men.

Known for his large belly and traditionally dressing in khaki shirts and pants with a tin star affixed to his vest, Avery runs the Sheriff’s office with the help of two deputies. The arsenal afforded the Sheriff’s office consists of a pair of ancient rifles.

Avery assists the Horsemen’s Association to help John Farson obtain oil to run his weapons. He is eventually charged with jailing Roland, Cuthbert and Alain when Mayor Thorin’s murder is pinned on them.

Avery is killed by Susan Delgado when she enters the Sheriff’s office to rescue her lover and his friends.

Original artwork by Jae Lee and Richard Isanove



Flamini, Anthony. The Dark Tower: Gunslinger's Guidebook. Marvel Publishing, Inc., 2007.

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