Towerpedia:Cuthbert Allgood

Cuthbert Allgood is a fictional character in author Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series. Known for his unyielding sense of humor, Cuthbert was Roland’s best friend and most trusted ally.

Early Life

At the age of eleven, Cuthbert and Roland discover Hax the cook is a follower of John Farson when they overhear him plot to poison the citizens of Taunton. Cuthbert and Roland tell their fathers, and ask to be present at the cook’s hanging. Always the joker, Cuthbert mentions he liked to watch the hangman’s jig. (DTI).


Against his father’s wishes, Roland takes Cuthbert along on his journey to Mejis. Steven Deschain believes the boy is worth less than a barking dog, but Roland knows Cuthbert has some useful qualities: the boy has the ability to remember every name, face and nuance of any situation he encounters. He is handsome; Susan Delgado thinks she may have fallen in love with Cuthbert herself, had she met him first.

Cuthbert is also very skilled in the use of the slingshot, having the ability to hit a flying bird from sixty yards away. It is this skill that proves useful in dealing with Farson’s men at Hanging Rock.

Cuthbert finds a rook’s skull just before leaving for Hambry and decides it is his mascot. Cuthbert names his new companion “The Lookout” and wears it either on his saddle horn or around his neck on a gold chain. “The Lookout” turns out to be the cause of Cuthbert and his companions being imprisoned in Hambry for the murder of Hart Thorin – Eldred Jonas finds the discarded skull at Citgo and has it planted at the scene of the mayor’s murder.


Roland always said Cuthbert would die laughing, and it turns out he was correct. Cuthbert was killed at the battle of Jericho Hill in a final suicidal charge against Grissom’s men. He was shot with an arrow in the eye by Rudin Filaro, and died at the age of twenty-four. He had been carrying the Horn of Eld when he fell; Roland’s reluctance to retrieve it would be a cause for regret when he reaches the Tower.

Original artwork by Jae Lee and Richard Isanove



Flamini, Anthony. The Dark Tower: Gunslinger's Guidebook. Marvel Publishing, Inc., 2007.

Furth, Robin. Stephen King’s The Dark Tower: The Complete Concordance. Scribner, 2006. ISBN 0743297342

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