Towerpedia:Mohaine Desert

The Mohaine Desert is a fictional place in author Stephen King's The Dark Tower series. A vast desert in Mid-World, it is first seen in the beginning of The Gunslinger as a desert through which Roland Deschain travels.

The desert has few villages, the one being mentioned Tull, which is located by its borders. In the middle of the desert is The Way Station, where Roland first meets Jake Chambers. The desert later ends where the Willow Jungle begins.

In The Gunslinger, the Mohaine Desert is described as follows: "The desert was the apotheosis of all deserts, huge, standing to the sky for what looked like eternity in all directions. It was white and blinding and waterless and without feature save for the faint, cloudy haze of the mountains which sketched themselves on the horizon and the devil-grass which brought sweet dreams, nightmares, death. An occasional tombstone sign pointed the way, for once the drifted track that cut its way through the thick crust of alkali had been a highway. Coaches and buckas had followed it. The world had moved on since then. The world had emptied."

In The Dark Tower, the desert is both where the first book starts and the final book ends. As Roland reaches the Tower, he enters a door which takes him back to the Mohaine Desert, to the point before he reaches the Way Station.



King, Stephen. The Gunslinger (The Dark Tower, Book I). Donald M. Grant, 1988. ISBN 093798650X

King, Stephen. The Gunslinger (The Dark Tower, Book I, Revised). Viking Adult, 2003. ISBN 0670032549

King, Stephen. The Dark Tower (The Dark Tower, Book VII). Donald M. Grant/Scribner, 2004. ISBN 1880418622

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