If It Bleeds

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[XFLOAT="left; max-width:300px"]http://www.thedarktower.org/custom/images/1570122095-if-it-bleeds-final%20ew%20450x680.jpg[/XFLOAT][TR][TD]Title:
[/TD][TD] [B]If It Bleeds[/B]
[/TD][TD] Stephen King
[XFLOAT="left; max-width:300px"]http://www.thedarktower.org/custom/images/1570122095-if-it-bleeds-final%20ew%20450x680.jpg[/XFLOAT][TR][TD]Title:
[/TD][TD] [B]If It Bleeds[/B]
[/TD][TD] Stephen King
[/TD][TD] ?
[/TD][TD] Jacket design Will Staehle/Unusual Corporation. Cat head by Valik/Shutterstock. Interior design by Erich Hobbing
[/TD][TD] Scribner
[/TD][TD] Scribner
[/TD][TD]ISBN-10: 1982137975 ISBN-13: 978-1982137977
[/TD][TD]ISBN-10: 1982137977 ISBN-13: 978-1982137977
[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]Publication Year:
[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]Publication Year:
[/TD][TD] April 28, 2020
[/TD][TD] April 21, 2020
[/TD][TD] Trade 1st
[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]Issue Price:
[/TD][TD] Trade 1st
[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]Issue Price:
[/TD][TD]576 Pages [/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4]King’s next book, [I]If It Bleeds[/I], is due out sometime in 2020. It’s a continuation of his ongoing Holly Gibney detective series. “I have to do a polish on that,” he says. “But it’s basically done.” He’s already jamming away on the one after that (though he’s not ready to divulge any details) and the sudden surge of interest in his work has been a great motivator to keep going. “I’m 71 years old,” he says, “and a lot of people my age are forgotten and I’ve had this late season burst of success. It’s very gratifying.” [/TD][/TR][/TABLE][/SIZE][/B]
[/TD][TD]436 Pages. Quarter bound in rust orange, having dark gray endpapers. Full number line: 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 Dedication: Thinking of Russ Dorr I miss you, Chief.[/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4]King’s next book, [I]If It Bleeds[/I], is due out in 2020. It’s a continuation of his ongoing Holly Gibney detective series. “I have to do a polish on that,” he says. “But it’s basically done.” He’s already jamming away on the one after that (though he’s not ready to divulge any details) and the sudden surge of interest in his work has been a great motivator to keep going. “I’m 71 years old,” he says, “and a lot of people my age are forgotten and I’ve had this late season burst of success. It’s very gratifying.” [/TD][/TR][/TABLE][/SIZE][/B]






News people have a saying: 'If it bleeds, it leads'. And a bomb at Albert Macready Middle School is guaranteed to lead any bulletin.


News people have a saying: 'If it bleeds, it leads'. And a bomb at Albert Macready Middle School is guaranteed to lead any bulletin.

Holly Gibney of the Finders Keepers detective agency is working on the case of a missing dog - and on her own need to be more assertive - when she sees the footage on TV. But when she tunes in again, to the late-night report, she realises there is something not quite right about the correspondent who was first on the scene. So begins 'If It Bleeds', a stand-alone sequel to the No. 1 bestselling THE OUTSIDER featuring the incomparable Holly on her first solo case - and also the riveting title story in Stephen King's brilliant new collection.
Holly Gibney of the Finders Keepers detective agency is working on the case of a missing dog - and on her own need to be more assertive - when she sees the footage on TV. But when she tunes in again, to the late-night report, she realizes there is something not quite right about the correspondent who was first on the scene. So begins 'If It Bleeds', a stand-alone sequel to the No. 1 bestselling THE OUTSIDER featuring the incomparable Holly on her first solo case - and also the riveting title story in Stephen King's brilliant new collection.


Dancing alongside are three more wonderful long stories from this 'formidably versatile author' (The Sunday Times) - *'*Mr Harrigan's Phone', 'The Life of Chuck' and 'Rat'. All four display the richness of King's storytelling with grace, humour, horror and breathtaking suspense. A fascinating Author's Note gives us a wonderful insight into the origin of each story and the writer's unparalleled imagination.
Dancing alongside are three more wonderful long stories from this 'formidably versatile author' (The Sunday Times) - *'*Mr Harrigan's Phone', 'The Life of Chuck' and 'Rat'. All four display the richness of King's storytelling with grace, humor, horror and breathtaking suspense. A fascinating Author's Note gives us a wonderful insight into the origin of each story and the writer's unparalleled imagination.

Excerpt from If It Bleeds, by Stephen King


Excerpt from If It Bleeds, by Stephen King

[In January of 2021, a small padded envelope addressed to Detective Ralph Anderson is delivered to the Conrads, the Andersons’ next-door neighbors. The Anderson family is on an extended vacation in the Bahamas, thanks to an endless teachers’ strike in the Andersons’ home county. (Ralph insisted that his son Derek bring his books, which Derek termed “a grotesque bummer.”) The Conrads have agreed to forward their mail until the Andersons return to Flint City, but printed on this envelope, in large letters, is DO NOT FORWARD HOLD FOR ARRIVAL. When Ralph opens the package, he finds a flash drive titled If It Bleeds, presumably referring to the old news trope which proclaims “If it bleeds, it leads.” The drive contains two items. One is a folder containing photographs and audio spectrograms. The other is a kind of report, or spoken-word diary, from Holly Gibney, with whom the detective shared a case that began in Oklahoma and ended in a Texas cave. It was a case that changed Ralph Anderson’s perception of reality forever. The final words of Holly’s audio report are from an entry dated December 19th, 2020. She sounds out of breath.
In January 2021, a small padded envelope addressed to Detective Ralph Anderson is delivered to the Conrads, the Andersons’ next-door neighbors. The Anderson family is on an extended vacation in the Bahamas, thanks to an endless teachers’ strike in the Andersons’ home county. (Ralph insisted that his son Derek bring his books, which Derek termed “a grotesque bummer.”) The Conrads have agreed to forward their mail until the Andersons return to Flint City, but printed on this envelope, in large letters, is DO NOT FORWARD HOLD FOR ARRIVAL. When Ralph opens the package, he finds a flash drive titled If It Bleeds, presumably referring to the old news trope which proclaims “If it bleeds, it leads.” The drive contains two items. One is a folder containing photographs and audio spectrograms. The other is a kind of report, or spoken-word diary, from Holly Gibney, with whom the detective shared a case that began in Oklahoma and ended in a Texas cave. It was a case that changed Ralph Anderson’s perception of reality forever. The final words of Holly’s audio report are from an entry dated December 19th, 2020. She sounds out of breath.


I have done the best I can, Ralph, but it may not be enough. In spite of all my planning there’s a chance I won’t come out of this alive. If that’s the case, I need you to know how much your friendship has meant to me. If I do die, and you choose to continue what I’ve started, please be careful. You have a wife and son.
I have done the best I can, Ralph, but it may not be enough. In spite of all my planning, there’s a chance I won’t come out of this alive. If that’s the case, I need you to know how much your friendship has meant to me. If I do die, and you choose to continue what I’ve started, please be careful. You have a wife and son.

[This is where the report ends.]

[This is where the report ends.]

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