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Thread: Piers Anthony

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    Citizen of Gilead Roland of Gilead 33 will become famous soon enough Roland of Gilead 33's Avatar

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    Default Piers Anthony

    are there any Piers Anthony fans on here? i was in high school when i started reading him. i think the year was (1995) i was at the libary. sorry for my shitty spelling. and i was going through the books there when the artwork of one of his books caught my eye. i dunno why but it did and the book was (1987)'s "Vale of the Vole' his 10th Xanth novel i believe. anyways it's not very often a cover to a book catches my eye that
    interests me enough to even want to read it.

    covers to books are well not that big of a deal to me i mean i don't judge a book by it's cover. like many of you no doubt don't do either. anyways, he's had an interesting life to be honest. and he's a very open guy about what goes on in his daily life. if you go onto his website he posts about it every other month. i haven't read his recent stuff to be fair nor have i read a LOT of his books. but i've read at least 30 of them or so. or close to that. i'm thinking off the top of my head at least #27 of them.

    which is still a good number in my book. hell i think that may even be more than i've read of SK but than i could be wrong. i'm just guessing at that of course. yea i just counted the number of king books i've read it's only #27 so far. that's really not that many but it's a start. anyways a little Trivia for ya.

    on the 1st book in the Xanth Series which is (1977)'s 'A Spell For Chameleon' Michael Whelan' did the cover art. and for a good number of other books he's written as well.

    plus than there's the Cover Art for Bat out of hell 2 by Meatloaf. among some of SK's books as well. in short he's one of my favorite artists. mainly because i love his work for SK. and for Piers Anthony as well among other authors too i'm sure. anyways

    i also collect Piers Anthony's books as well. and his books like any authors can be great or just fucking terrible. i've read some really excellent work by him. than i've read some stuff that was utter shit. he did a book in (1968) i believe the year was. called "The RIng' the synopis is actually pretty damn good and it's an original idea for the era. it still sounds good today.

    however the book is fucking terrible. but what are ya gonna do ya know? i'd say well it's an early novel but that's an excuse. not all authors books are good and that includes SK of course. so stuff like that doesn't piss me off like it does so many others who read both authors or even just one of them. anyways any fans out there of his?

    i'd love to hear from ya and what your favorites and least favorites are of course. and of course i'll say mine as well.

  2. #2
    Rabid Billybumbler Theli is a glorious beacon of light Theli is a glorious beacon of light Theli is a glorious beacon of light Theli is a glorious beacon of light Theli is a glorious beacon of light Theli is a glorious beacon of light Theli's Avatar

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    He's an author I have been considering looking into but have yet to explore his works. Figured I'd start from the beginning of Xanth, but I've also read some pretty scathing reviews about his penchant for sexism and even borderline pedophaelia...
    I'm not really opposed to a little controversy though, it's readability that matters most to me.

  3. #3
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    I have only read one book by him so far. Funny that you mention reading a book because the cover caught your eye, because that's exactly what made me want to read his book Secret of Spring, which was a pretty fun book.

    I've been meaning to look into more of his works.
    Since you've read so much of his stuff, what would you recommend the most?

  4. #4
    Citizen of Gilead Roland of Gilead 33 will become famous soon enough Roland of Gilead 33's Avatar

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    i dunno if he addsd pedophila into his books. since the man has written at least 150 books or more. i haven't read them all. but the Xanth series are fun as hell. the guy is a pervert there is no doubt about that. he's if you read his newsletters or his authors notes admits it several times through the years. yeah i can see him in some of his books have sexism in it. but than it's just a book and if that doesn't bother you cause it's fiction why i say just enjoy the book. that's the 1st novel in the series.

    he's i think a VERY under rated author these days. and there's plenty of books where the women are described as having big boobs. that really doesn't bother me cause it's just a story and he flat out admits he's a boob man. he he.
    he loves women and he can write women having fantastic figures. he doesn't write them as being dumb as shit though. though he has done characters that are women that are dumb as shit. but they normally are pretty strong characters in fact.
    it really varies pretty much. his styles in writing change through the years as any author's would. here's one book that is a great book and it's that's one's about a guy name Zane who shoots death and therefore has to become him. this one came out in (1983)

    he meets an woman of course and falls in love. and he can take off the reaper costume and he's immune. but he has to have his hood up. and i think the one he kills has the hood down so therefore was vulranble to death. sorry about my shitty spelling. and at the end he battles Satan with his wits and they have i think a game of some sort. i haven't read it in years so i can't remember.

    but Xanth is a fantastic series. to be fair i haven't read any of the recent books so i dunno if those are any good. but i've read the 1st #19 and his style changes through the years. for me though the 1st really good one is the 3rd one which is (1979)'s "Castle Roogna' a lot of people really love the early books the most as in any series. but the later ones i think are great as well. in short pick up the 1st book and let me know what you think. or you may be like me and not care for the 1st two books and really love the 3rd novel. so please by all means check those out.

  5. #5
    Great Old One ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan's Avatar

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    I used to collect Piers Anthony until I realized he was writing the same book over and over, with the same characters under different names. The last book of his that I bought and read was BALOOK back in 1990. However, he did have some excellent books in my opinion, notably SOS THE ROPE, NEQ THE SWORD, VAR THE STICK, the TAROT trilogy and the first 3 XANTH novels (every one after that was just the same book over and over again). I took 7 pictures of my Anthony collection. Here's number 1. I'll post the others if you want to see them.

    I'm sure if there is intelligent life somewhere out there in the universe, they are wise enough to stay away from us.

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  6. #6
    Citizen of Gilead Roland of Gilead 33 will become famous soon enough Roland of Gilead 33's Avatar

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    WOW i wish i had that many of his hardbacks, i have only maybe few of them. in no oder Kilobyte (1993), Ominvore (1968) i believe. Tathum Mound' (1991) i prolly am spelling these all wrong. incarnations books 4-6 i think? on hardback. or it might be 3-5 i'll have to look to be certain.and The Secret Spring. so i don't have that many. you think he writes the same book over and over? honestly i've never heard anyone say that about him. they either like him or they don't like any author.

    with Xanth i didn't start reading them in order like you prolly did. like i said the 1st novel i read was the 10th (1987)'s Vale of the vole which i loved and i remember it took me i believe like 3 or 4 days to read it and i realized how damn fast reading those books are and so i read whatever else my libary had. i always seem to spell that wrong too man, sorry about that, anyways, but i do agree his 1st book in the series is written vastly different and i've since started it again but it was never a favorite of mine. but it is written like i said really different. that series yeah i can see it at some point being the same book over and over, that never really bothered me to be honest.

    John Saul i think is like that, he's a favorite author of mine but the main storyline has to do with having a teenager start to act really weird and sometimes they are the heavy sometimes they aren't. but it's the same type of book more or less. but his black chronicles series that was like 6 parts much like SK did in (1996) i think he did his the same year or the following year i forget which. but that one felt written differently and i fucking loved it.

    anyways, with his Xanth books yeah i can see that, but i think some of them are written differently too. check out "Question Quest' it's from (1991) and the 14th Xanth Novel that one i think is written Differently. it's also my favorite in the series.
    what it is well it's the life of the good Magican Humphery who's name and his talent i just killed in my spelling. sorry about that. i think some of the books are different in their own way but i think others yeah can sound the same as others.

    he did try different things in later novels but prolly not as much as he should have. he later did rely on puns too much when the early novels really didn't. i think it was mainly because fans would suggest them to him and to stay true to his fans and respect them i guess you could say? since he does reply to all his letters when he has the time. and he even puts them in his books as well. just like Jenny The Elf who in real life was this poor girl who was i think in a car accident?

    her name hence was Jenny, he even put out a Book of letters she wrote him called "Letters To Jenny' or it was Letters From Jenny' i forget which that had to be oh (1991) or (1990) that one i've never read nor have i seen any place off line sell it either. With A Tangled Skein is one of the hardbacks i have of his. as for him writing the same book. i dunno, i've read some that were different than others, Race Against Time which is one of his 1st books i think it was from (1973) i liked up until the ending which ruiined it for me. than you have (1968)'s The Ring which i liked up until the ending as well. one book i have read most of but i can't seem to finish is the 1st bio of a space Tryrant which i have on paperback.

    really only cause it's not a very good book but i've read far far worse to be fair. i downloaded a shit ton of his books and many of them are long out of print to be honest. those are currently on my ipod and i am going to get a kindle soon but i'll prolly get them on hardback or paperback next chance i get. as i also collect him as well. yeah i'd love to see the rest of your collection.

    authors can do that somtimes write books that have familar themes, shit even SK does that sometimes as well, good against evil etc.. depending on the book of course but i hope you one day go back to reading Piers Anthony cause he's i think a very under-rated writer who needs more recognition than he gets. and with bookstores not around as much at least around where i live, he's not in stores like Giant Eagle for example like he was when i was growing up. which i think is actually really sad. when he should be i think.

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    I started A Spell for Chameleon last night. I can already tell that it's gonna be a fun read.

    Edit: Are there seriously 39 books in this series?! Shit, I've made a major commitment here.

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    Citizen of Gilead Roland of Gilead 33 will become famous soon enough Roland of Gilead 33's Avatar

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    yes i think the 40th comes out this year. just to warn ya, in the early novels there are puns in there sure, than at some point i dunno what book it starts in it's not in the Original 3 i don't think. anyways, he started to take puns from fans and to this day he still does. anyways the longer the series goes on the more puns he uses so the series became a series of puns i guess you could call it. from my understanding a lot of fans hate that direction that he started to do that. and i'm not going to deny that at some point the series if you read enough of them in a row do start to sound alike. there are ones that are different though outside the original 3. and i don't remember which ones but one i do remember and that's the 14th Novel which is (1991)'s Question Quest and that one is about the Good Magican which i spelled wrong. sorry about that. anyways i started reading the series as i said way out of order, it started out on a lark where i fell in love with the cover as i said for Vale of the Vole from (1987) and read that in like 3 days it was a fast read.

    it was a couple of years before i finally got around to reading the 1st novel in the series oddly enough, and at the time i didn't like it, i think i was in my late teens or early 20's at the time. i'm 36 now. anyways i bought A Spell For Chameleon at a good will last month for like a buck i think. i had bought over a decade ago but i think i lent it to a buddy of mine and than he moved away and i plump forgot he even had it. i think i lent it to him or his mom i can't remember which.

    if i got the right person that i'm thinking of that is. anyways i started reading it recently and i noticed how different it's written, you will notice the changes as well the further you get along in the series. i have some favorite characters and only i think 1 of them is in the 1st novel and that's Trent. as for the Good Magican which i am going murder his rank., well the spelling anyways. he's a favorite of mine.

    i still haven't read them all. and i have a shitload on paperback and i started to pick up a later novel. i think it was (1996)'s Yon Ill Wind' which is the 20th Novel and that's one i never got to finish cause it had to be returned to my libarary at the time. again sorry for my spelling. and i realized so much time had passed since i last stepped into the world of Xanth that i had no choice but to start over and get to know the characters i love.

    one interesting thing is that he puts fans into his books. for example i forget which book it is i think it's (1989)'s Man From Mundania' which is the 12th or 13th book i believe in the series. he brings a character called Jenny Elf in the series.
    in real life a fan a young girl who was about 10 years old at the time or 12 around that age. i forget anymore. she was in a car accident and i forget how bad she was paralyzed but i don't think she could write back than to him. so i'm guessing her mom did. i can't remember anymore. anyways she had to be home schooled i believe. and she picked up his books and wrote to him.
    he was so inspired by her cause he does answer his fan mail actually, he wrote her into his books. and i think from my looking at the book recently she grew up in the books and found love in i think it was (19988) Zombie Lover' that'd be the 22nd book i believe. and as far as i know she's still in the series. she still writes to him i believe. i read somewhere that she has since gotten married too.

    and in fans his (1994) book Letters To Jenny is the 1st year they wrote to each others their letters. i've never read that one though. and Piers Anthony he he is a pervert, no doubt about it, so don't be surprised when you read some of the women in the series have big breasts. i find it funny actually but he i don' t think ever goes too far. cause kids reads his books too so he keeps that in mind.

    the 1st book so far hasn't mentioned it but he came up with something caleld The Adult Conspiracy and that's well sex pretty much. and kids are too young to learn it. but also the kids have one too. i forget which that one is about. but when you grow up you forget what you knew as a kid so it kinda goes both ways i think. he also comes up with a way that when a character gets preggers while having sex is described as very different than humans in real life do. he never goes into
    describing sex the way Stephen King does for example.

    but it's pretty i think smart the way he created it. anyways i hope you like it as the book starts out slow. and though i'm going to kill the spelling in his rank when you read about the Good Magican Humphry in his last name too i forget how that's spelled, that's normally at the start of the novel damn near and not over 100 pages into it like it is in the 1st novel. sorry for the ramblings but please let me know what you think of it.

  9. #9
    Great Old One ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan's Avatar

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    Here's picture number 5. I was pretty enthusiastic about Anthony when I started reading him. And I didn't really mean ALL his books are the same, but at the time I quit reading them they seemed to be. And I was getting annoyed by them. I do remember on the day I bought the last Piers Anthony book I have I was rear ended by someone at a red light. That means nothing of course.

    I'm sure if there is intelligent life somewhere out there in the universe, they are wise enough to stay away from us.

    And the people bowed and prayed, to the cell phone god they made...

  10. #10
    Citizen of Gilead Roland of Gilead 33 will become famous soon enough Roland of Gilead 33's Avatar

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    man i'd love your collection cause your books are in better condition than mine. and plus there's a lot of them i don't have you do. i can't tell if you have Porncopia though. that book was NEVER sold in stores, well actually now that i think about it was was at first for about a week or two. i think when it 1st came out in (1989) but that's not a book for kids and kids ended up getting it so you i think had to ask for it if you were of age and i think they had it behind the counter.

    now you only get it and the sequel 'The Magic Fart' a book that came out in (2003) anyways, you ever going back to reading him again? let me say that his later books for Xanth are even more pun filled if you want to put it that way. i dunno about his other books though. but Seriously check out Question Quest. it's the life story of M. Humphry or however the fuck his name is spelled? he did later do one last sequel to the incarnations of immortality and that was in (2007) under the cloak i think it's called? than there's (1996) 's Volk which is another one i don't have. that one is suppose to be a war book of some kind. though his (2001) book "How was that awhile' his 2nd Bio was a pretty good book and i would have thought he would have done another updated bio since than. since that was an updated version of Bio of an Ogre. that one i don't think i ever finished for some reason. i forget why. he also wrote a bio about his dad as well in i think (2007) i forget the name of that one at the moment. i also haven't read it either yet.

    as for my books, nearly all of them i've bought used and there's only very few that i did get new and most of the used ones aren't in mint condition and you can tell they've been read plenty of times.

  11. #11
    Great Old One ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan's Avatar

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    PORNOCOPIA is right in the middle. No, I really have no intention of reading any more Piers Anthony books, but your enthusiasm for his work is giving me second thoughts about it.

    Most of my books are in as mint condition as possible. I even read the paperbacks without bending the covers or spines.

    I'm sure if there is intelligent life somewhere out there in the universe, they are wise enough to stay away from us.

    And the people bowed and prayed, to the cell phone god they made...

  12. #12
    Robot Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave's Avatar

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    yes i think the 40th comes out this year.
    That's nuts! I'm hoping that I really end up enjoying book #1 so i can have SO many more to look forward to.

    just to warn ya, in the early novels there are puns in there sure,
    Yeah, I've already come across the part in book #1 where it's telling about how the people of Xanth "sow their wild oats" by watering the oats the "natural way" (urination) until the female is born out of the oats, being bound to the male.
    The puns don't bother me. When I read Secret of Spring, which involved this species of sort of plant/human hybrids, there were a lot of plant-based puns. I thought it added a bit of lighthearted fun to the story.

    one interesting thing is that he puts fans into his books. for example i forget which book it is i think it's (1989)'s Man From Mundania' which is the 12th or 13th book i believe in the series. he brings a character called Jenny Elf in the series.
    in real life a fan a young girl who was about 10 years old at the time or 12 around that age. i forget anymore. she was in a car accident and i forget how bad she was paralyzed but i don't think she could write back than to him. so i'm guessing her mom did. i can't remember anymore. anyways she had to be home schooled i believe. and she picked up his books and wrote to him.
    he was so inspired by her cause he does answer his fan mail actually, he wrote her into his books. and i think from my looking at the book recently she grew up in the books and found love in i think it was (19988) Zombie Lover' that'd be the 22nd book i believe. and as far as i know she's still in the series. she still writes to him i believe. i read somewhere that she has since gotten married
    That's actually pretty cool!

    and Piers Anthony he he is a pervert, no doubt about it, so don't be surprised when you read some of the women in the series have big breasts. i find it funny actually but he i don' t think ever goes too far. cause kids reads his books too so he keeps that in mind.
    Luckily for me, that kind of stuff doesn't bother me. I see nothing wrong with a male character noticing a female character's boobs, etc. It's natural.

    sorry for the ramblings but please let me know what you think of it.
    Don't apologize. I like that you've told me so many details about Anthony's works. Also, I read Secret of Spring last year and never even thought about looking at more of his works (dur! ) even though I really enjoyed that book. So, I'm glad you reminded me! I'll let you know what I think about this book as I get further into it.

    Right now, Xanth is with Cherie, the female centaur.

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    Citizen of Gilead Roland of Gilead 33 will become famous soon enough Roland of Gilead 33's Avatar

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    well i've only read out of 39 i'd say i'd say 22 or 23 of them so don't feel bad. nobody said you had to read them all this year. i don't currently own a kindle which i'll prolly get one soon, though i refused to for a long time, than i recently realized i wanted to get back to reading some Xanth books, and i don't currently own them all. so i downloaded a shitload of Piers Anthony Novels, and right now they are on my ipod. i feel asleep reading it on my ipod late last nite with the device in my hand. he he. and i forgot that Crombie who is one of my favorite Characters is in this book. i'm almost done with Chapter 5. i put it down for a couple of days as i wasn't in the mood to read. i've been listening to pod casts like mad. he he

    i didn't think him being a pervert would offend you but these days everything seems to offend people for some reason or other. there have been talks to make it into a film off and on for years. and on the IMDB board a user said they'd want to see it made for adults where you see the nudity from the Centaurs and if they made a version for kids, honestly if they put tops on the characters that are bare breasted in the series i wouldn't really care at all. it's not a big deal to me at all. reason being is that kids have been reading the series for years and if it means the film gets made and we get more than one film out of it, they can put tops on them if they like. it's never been a series that was aimed for Strictly at Adults anyways.

    one thing Anthony started to do in the early 80's was his authors notes and i love reading those. but in the very early books he hadn't started doing that yet to any of his books. and he'll thank the person who sent in puns and so forth. i've been reading his website for years.

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    Man, I am loving this book! Bink has flown with the help of the shade, met a sorceress who gave him a change of clothes in the form of a ladies' shawl and panties, and he has just arrived at the magician's castle! This book is so fun.

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    Citizen of Gilead Roland of Gilead 33 will become famous soon enough Roland of Gilead 33's Avatar

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    i'm am actually quite happy you are enjoying it so much. i'm on chapter 9 actually. page 171 so i'm further than you at the moment. i will be buying a kindle fire soon. and the reason is this, i downloaded a shit ton of books, the authors i went for were Piers Anthony, SK, of course, John Saul, Ed McBain, Kathy Reiches, Patricia Cornwell, the perry mason original series, Lilian Braun Jackson or whatever her name is? the chick who wrote those Cat books i'm going to give them a try at some point. and i don't currently own a lot of the books. for example while i do have the 1st Xanth book in paperback i don't own the 2nd book at all, which is called "The Source Of Magic. (1979) i haven't decided if i want to read that one next yet though
    or finish off my patterson book i also am in the middle of reading. that one i own as well. do you own the current Xanth book you are reading or are you using a kindle?

  16. #16
    Robot Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave's Avatar

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    i'm am actually quite happy you are enjoying it so much.
    I am loving it!

    i'm on chapter 9 actually. page 171 so i'm further than you at the moment.
    Shit, I forgot you mentioned that you read them out of order. Did you say this was your first time reading book #1, or?

    do you own the current Xanth book you are reading or are you using a kindle?
    I'm using my kindle paperwhite. Don't get me wrong, I love real books made of actual paper, but I also love being able to download free books from the library onto my kindle. But, sadly, now that I'm into this book and loving it so much, I keep thinking; "Shit, I really want to buy this book in physical form."

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    Citizen of Gilead Roland of Gilead 33 will become famous soon enough Roland of Gilead 33's Avatar

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    the books that i've read in various order, i read what my libary had 1st. i never can spell that word right? he he anyways, i'll use numbers cause it's just easier, books #1-19, #21 & #22. i can't remember if i read anymore after #22 to be honest.

    this is my 2nd time reading the 1st novel in the series. i dunno if i'm going to read the 2nd novel right away just yet. we shall soon see. and your welcome for introducing you to the land of Xanth. after all the years i've been reading it, i'm glad i finally was able to get someone to read it. cause sadly not enough people read. at least i don't think so

  18. #18
    Great Old One ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan's Avatar

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    A SPELL FOR CHAMELEON; 1st paperback US edition, 1st UK paperback and hardback editions:

    I'm sure if there is intelligent life somewhere out there in the universe, they are wise enough to stay away from us.

    And the people bowed and prayed, to the cell phone god they made...

  19. #19
    Citizen of Gilead Roland of Gilead 33 will become famous soon enough Roland of Gilead 33's Avatar

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    man i wish our stores here would carry Some of Piers Anthony, is that the US hardback book edition? man these look brand new i wish they were mine he he

  20. #20
    Great Old One ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan's Avatar

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    The 1st hardcover is from the UK. If there is a US hardback I don't have it.
    I'm sure if there is intelligent life somewhere out there in the universe, they are wise enough to stay away from us.

    And the people bowed and prayed, to the cell phone god they made...

  21. #21
    Citizen of Gilead Roland of Gilead 33 will become famous soon enough Roland of Gilead 33's Avatar

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    i didn't think it was for the US to be honest. it's quite sad that he's not a writer that most people have heard of today. yes he's prolly written plenty of shitty novels but what author hasn't? there have been ones that i have read of his that i thought were shit. and it was mostly cause of the way they ended to be honest. but what are ya gonna do ya know?

  22. #22
    Robot Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Roland of Gilead 33 View Post
    i didn't think it was for the US to be honest. it's quite sad that he's not a writer that most people have heard of today. yes he's prolly written plenty of shitty novels but what author hasn't? there have been ones that i have read of his that i thought were shit. and it was mostly cause of the way they ended to be honest. but what are ya gonna do ya know?
    Shit, when you've written as much stuff as he has, you're bound to miss the mark a few times. Stephen King is my favorite author, but there have been books of his that I've finished and been like "Really? That ending?"

  23. #23
    Citizen of Gilead Roland of Gilead 33 will become famous soon enough Roland of Gilead 33's Avatar

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    that's how i look at it as well. but than you have people get pissed off at the author cause the book turns out to be a pile of shit. well not all of them are going to be good. but some people don't understand that it's RARE for an author to have all good or great books. it has happend i'm sure but not when the writer has written as many books weather they were published or not, like King or Anthony.

  24. #24
    Robot Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave has much to be proud of Girlystevedave's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Roland of Gilead 33 View Post
    that's how i look at it as well. but than you have people get pissed off at the author cause the book turns out to be a pile of shit. well not all of them are going to be good. but some people don't understand that it's RARE for an author to have all good or great books. it has happend i'm sure but not when the writer has written as many books weather they were published or not, like King or Anthony.
    Yeah, people have a tendency to take it very personally when a book turns out to be not to their liking. They're all ready with the pitchforks and torches.

  25. #25
    Great Old One ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan people like to rub elbows with me ur2ndbiggestfan's Avatar

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    I torched my pitchfork and pitched my torch a long time ago.
    I'm sure if there is intelligent life somewhere out there in the universe, they are wise enough to stay away from us.

    And the people bowed and prayed, to the cell phone god they made...

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