Quote Originally Posted by webstar1000 View Post
I think you will see Rick's group train them and then a show down with the Wolves. I liked that.
This is what I'm looking for early next season. I want to see Rick, Michonne, and Abe training the townspeople in hand-to-hand combat and marksmanship. I want to see Daryl showing people how to track outside of the wall. I want to see Morgan setting up defense systems and booby traps.

If this is going to be home, we need to see Alexandria turned into a fortress. I always wanted to see this with the prison and we never really got that. Maybe it's just because I grew up watching the A-Team and MacGyver as a kid, but I love that stuff.

Anyway, solid finale. We didn't get any amazing reveal or anything, but I enjoyed it. This summer should be interesting with the new Walking Dead show holding us over until the fall.