I'd go with the comic origin of the Crimson King since we haven't been given another explanation, but I agree with this:

Quote Originally Posted by mtdman View Post
I'm not sure I get the whole CK was always part of the Dark Tower thing.
I don't think any of the books have stated that he has always been there right from the start. The Waste Lands, Insomnia and Black House do give the impression that he is already stuck in the Tower though, but different worlds, rate of time-flow could account for that. (And of course some statements may be prophetic in nature. And some may be inaccurate too coming as they do through a human filter.)

It's mainly from BH that we come up with the
theories of the Red King being in two places at once,
but none of the DT books have specifically stated this. I think he could send out his mind and influence even was trapped in the Tower (thus in effect being two places at once) but I personally don't subscribe to the idea that there's a godlike side called 'Dis' trapped at the top. I think Dis is either a more powerful other out there, or it's a description of all the forces of discordance and chaos. I think the Crimson King and his kin from the prim are all part of it.

Still doesn't explain who the people were that he ruled, where they came from, etc. There were obviously lots of people willing to work for him, from all worlds. I'd move out if he was my king.
We haven't really been given much information on this. It think it's fair to say he ruled a large chunk of End-World and the Taheen and Low-men comprise a large chunk of his subjects, as do the various human villages within his territory. Some would have been willing to follow him in their hope to gain power. The rest... well... I'd imagine he had many unwilling subjects. I'm sure many did try to leave (some may have succeeded.)

Of course he wiped out the majority of the population just for the fun of it. I imagine many served him out of fear that they might be next, rather than being outright evil.