Quote Originally Posted by WalkingMan79 View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Lisey Landon View Post
13. The book you were most excited to read.
I don't know. Possibly DTVII. About a week before it was released I talked my friends who worked at a local Waldenbooks into illegally letting me read it in the back room of the store. For several hours for two days straight I sat in their stock room on a little footstool reading it nonstop. Then I began rereading.
You are a diehard and I can respect that!Your friends must have been curious what kind of story could make someone that rabid to read it.Did any of the friends go on to read TDT?
Well, they all knew how obsessed I am. I'd had them hold about $400 in books for me a time and I'd actually just hang out in the bookstore from opening to closing when I wasn't working. My current roommates worked there and my closest friend did also. My roommate had already read the first four books. He still hasn't read the rest. The manager there at the time read the series on my pushing him towards it and a couple others read parts if not all of it.