actually the only thing i hate about the War Games is the times lords forcing Jamie & Zoe to forget about him. them being sent home i got and that's fine but their entire adventure after they left home i hated how they did that. and yes i am pumped to watch that. by the way i'm now down to needing to get #53 dvd's and that's still to damn high i think. but at least a bit better than fucking needing #60 i guess. anyways Inferno is my favorite Pertwee Story. and i also love Terror of the Autons which i recently bought a couple weeks ago as well. i had to wait like about a fucking year before the prices on amazon went down to a reasonable price since it's now out of print. i got it for i think $36 bucks. and that ain't bad i don't think.

i'm currently in the middle of watching The Key To Time season. which i bought them all expect The Armageddon Factor. it's a good season and i like the 1st Romana but not all the stories are great. The Ribos Operation is fucking Brilliant.
The Pirate Planet is Medicore, The Stones of Blood is great up until the last part which than i think it falls apart. but The Androids of Tara is a good one too. now i'm on the power of Kroll and i will have to get back to ya on that one since it's been awhile since i last saw it. by the way congrats on reaching 6,000 posts