I keep wondering why the DT series seems to cross paths with non SK pop culture. The wizard of oz stuff, I recall there were star wars light sabers in there somewhere (book V I think), and of course the ubiquitous sneetches. The sneetches in particular bother me because they come after any of the characters times in NY. For all the others, one could argue that the crimson king and/or RF pulled these themes from the characters minds and used them for irony or torment. But the exploding sneetches....It makes me think this whole story is happening in someone's mind who is maybe in a coma or something. Which of course could be the case.

Or is SK simply giving a nod to life long creative influences? If so, that is very self indulgent. For me these things were sort of jarring and pulled me out of the story just a little bit.

Or maybe there is no reason at all, and we end up splitting hairs trying to figure out the "why" and we simply waste our time.