Quote Originally Posted by pablo View Post
Well we are trying to decide the best film that's sci-fi so foremost we have to judge it on the filmic aspects (direction, acting, cinematography, score, script, etc) and not simply how science-fictiony it is. Melancholia has a rogue planet crashing into Earth, how is that not sci-fi!
I’ve skipped voting for movies that I thought were pretty good simply because I didn’t believe they were sci-fi. I doubt I’m alone in that thinking either. It goes back to the argument of whether it’s actually a sci-fi movie or it’s a (insert genre) with some sci-fi elements. IMO, we have a few of the latter in this tourney.

I’ve seen about 5 mins of Melancholia. I happened to catch it in the middle while flipping channels. I’ve been meaning to check it out but just haven’t had the time.