Quote Originally Posted by pathoftheturtle View Post
Dang, that reminds me; I still haven't seen Sleepwalkers or Golden Years. Can you believe that? I've seen every other SK adaptation. (Well, aside from small independent films and stuff.) Rose Red was not bad. Better than Storm of the Century, IMO, though that was okay, too.
Have you seen all of Kingdom Hospital?
Yea, I finished Kingdom Hospital last week or the week before and was pretty underwhelmed by it. It had it's good parts, and it was certainly better than Sleepwalkers, Rose Red & Storm of the Century (I haven't seen Golden Years), but it still wasn't all that great, I didn't think. Oh, and I haven't seen Chinga yet either....I guess that should count as an original teleplay from Mr. King too.

I don't really care for his other adaptations either, like his version of The Shining or The Stand or Maximum Overdrive or Silver Bullet, though I loved the books those are based off. I'll admit to liking his adaptation of Pet Semetary (it was really one of the first horror movies I'd ever seen as a little kid and it scared the crap out of me....I must've been maybe 9 or 10 years old at the time) but that's really about the only one and watching it now it is a bit cheesy. I sort of think he should just stick with keeping his stories on paper and let someone else adapt them for the screen (only, you know, someone good...).