How awesome would that be?

It should be like Fallout but on a much bigger scale, and with switchable perspectives.
You'd have five playable characters--Roland, Eddie, Susannah, Jake, Oy. Which could mean up to four player coop (Oy could be an extra that any player can switch back and forth to)! Imagine jumping at people as Oy, and biting them?

Either release a game for each book (using the same game save so you carry over stats and weapons to the next game?), or as downloads, part by part. You'd follow the events in the game, changing characters throughout. There would be combat, exploration and puzzle solving—heres are just some scenes from the books which would be great in the video game:

• Fighting the Slow Mutants under the mountains
• Slaughtering the whole Village (Tull)
• Having to avoid obstacles as you are forced to keep running forward by Gasher
• Solving Riddles on Blaine.
• Killing Vampires and Can Toi in the Dixie pig,
• Going through the mind trap—say at the start of the game it asks you what scares you most, and you select from a list, which then makes the mind trap different for you then someone else?
• Having a massive battle with the Wolves of course! What would be cool is if the game was in real time, so you could intercept the train with the wolves on and stop them there, or wait till they got to the village, and the farmers would help you fight them! If it was an open world game, you wouldn’t have to stop the wolves a certain way, or even stop them at all!
• The Battle of Jericho hill, maybe as an unlockable mode?

Maybe there could be an online mode, or the game itself could just be online, and you could be the man in black, trying to stop Roland, who is being played by a mate. The awesome possibilities are endless.