Quote Originally Posted by He-Man View Post
Quote Originally Posted by haunted.lunchbox View Post
I wish I could read his first loop so that I could compare it to his last loop to see how different they were, if they were different at all. I am consumed with the idea that he did something on his last loop that redeemed himself, and brought him the horn. Consumed I tell you.
I've always felt like Roland is becoming more and more human with each loop, hence every loop he becomes closer to finishing his quest once and for all, be it my getting something he can use or another member of the ka-tet that can help him.

Now that I worded it, it sounds like unlocking achievements in a video game.
I completely agree! I think he makes different choices each time. There is no way to verify this though! Maybe each loop he 'tries out' new members to his ka-tet, or makes different choices with them. I just don't see every loop going the exact same and him all of a sudden getting rewarded with a horn.